Monday, December 26, 2011

Enter the Dragon

2012 is the Year of the Dragon and it’s about to rear its head! I, myself, am a dragon baby, so I have high hopes for the year ahead. 2011 wasn’t the worst of times (unless you ask Clark), but I can’t really say I’m sorry to see it go. 

Looking back at blog posts past, I'm reminded that I made some resolutions at the start of the year and, interestingly enough, managed to keep all of them! I resolved to travel, see my sister, be a good mom, rejoin the workforce, cook more, and study.

I succeeded in killing the first two proverbial birds with one stone by spending my vacation back home in Canada this summer. I spent a month visiting with relatives and friends, and finally got some quality time with my sister. My only regret now is that I won’t be able to attend her wedding this spring and I really hope another six years don’t go by before I see her again or get the chance to meet her “Jiminy”. In other news, Logan is alive and well, so I think it would be fair to say that I met the challenge of being a good mother. The little dude is 16 months old tomorrow and rambunctious as ever. I have to admit though, that it’s probably his father who is to thank for his upbringing.  I haven’t been around much this year because I've been diligently tending to my fourth and sixth resolutions: work and study. And, I’m not shy about reporting the fact that I have been a good little study-er; receiving grades of ‘Distinction’ for my first two major research papers. Lastly, ‘tis true that 2011 saw me in the kitchen a little more often. I taught myself to make quite a few Korean dishes and experimented with some baking. I was also a good mother/wife and packed a lot of lunch boxes for my boys this past year.  

So what’s in store for 2012? Honestly, I have no idea…but I resolve to do one thing:

Lose weight. Though not on last year’s list, I shed 15kg in 2011, dropping 2 clothing sizes. With Blogger as my witness, I shall lose another 15kg this year…starting…right . after . I . finish . all . of . the . Christmas . chocolate . and . goodies…

Happy New Year everyone! J