As a parent, when your child exhibits certain behaviour you start to wonder if maybe your *mild* case of OCD and anal retentive personality are a bit more pronounced than you ever led yourself to believe . At just 17mths old, Logan regularly:
- confidently proclaims "duh-ty" and runs to the trash can with his dirty (just changed) diaper in hand.
- wants nothing more than to help with the vacuuming and dusting
- closes the childproof locks on the kitchen cabinets should they be left open by his forgetful parents.
- announces that it's "col" (cold) and runs to close the sliding glass door leading to the veranda (in an effort to save on the heating bill?).
- puts all of his dishes and cups (and sometimes books, toys, and socks^^) into the kitchen sink when he's finished with them.
- (after an outing of any kind) dutifully sits down to take off his boots, hat, and coat, then marches to the bathroom to wash his hands.
- gets upset if shoes are not immediately put into the shoe cupboard (this one he picked up at daycare though, not from me)
- runs in a cloud of happy delirium to the bathroom to brush his teeth and, of course, returns his toothbrush to the sink when he's done.
- cleans up all of his milk/juice spills with the kitchen tea towel.
- recycles (in the correct container no less!) yogurt containers, juice boxes, straws, and cheese wrappers among other things.
- requests the food garbage bag so that he might throw away banana and orange peels.
Oh, how I love my Bubba :)